
Tel Aviv march protests Palestinian death

from The Palestine Telegraph

Hundreds of people marched Saturday in Tel Aviv to protest the killing of a Palestinian by an Israeli soldier during a rally against the security fence.

As they marched to the Defense Ministry headquarters, demonstrators chanted "Mr. Defense Minister, how many children did you murder today?" and "Democracy is not built on the bodies of demonstrators," Ynetnews reported.

The fence divides Israeli settlements on the West Bank from Palestinian areas. Israeli officials say it is necessary for security but Palestinians bitterly resent it, the report said.

Bassem Ibrahim Abu-Rahma was killed during a protest in Bilin over the route of the fence. A joint Israeli-Palestinian medical team said he was hit by an object but was not killed by a bullet.

Israeli defense officials, who called the protest a riot, said the death was under investigation.

Yonatan Pollock, a member of Anarchists Against the Fence, said he and his allies would continue to protest.

"Our blood is precious to us and it should be precious to all, so that our friend's murder does not pass silently," he said.

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